Local Clubs
San Luis Obispo County
San Luis Highlanders
- Location:
Hart Building, First Presbyterian Church
981 Marsh Street
San Luis Obispo, CA - Contact: emcdonal@cuesta.edu or (805) 542-9802
- Website: www.sanluishighlanders.org
Cal Poly Fencing
- Location:
Cal Poly Campus
San Luis Obispo, CA - Contact: cpfencingofficers@gmail.com
- Website: www.calpolyfencing.com
Salle des Fers
- Location:
498 High Street
San Luis Obispo, CA - Contact: scott@sdffencing.org or espadas4peace@gmail.com
- Website: www.sdffencing.org
Santa Barbara County
Presidio Fencing Club
- Location:
Westside Community Center, Santa Barbara - Contact: presidiofencing@gmail.com
UC Santa Barbara Fencing
- Location:
Robertson Gym
UCSB Campus
Santa Barbara, CA - Contact: ucsbfencingclub@gmail.com
- Website: Here
Ventura County
Points West Fencing Club
- Location:
2300 Knoll Drive, Unit L
Ventura, CA - Contact: coach@pointswestfencing.com
- Website: www.pointswestfencing.com
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